DIY 5 Step Lawn Care Program

Step 1 All Seasons Crabgrass Preventer - The longest lasting, most recommended crabgrass preventer used by professional applicators to protect lawns from crabgrass and other annual weeds all season long. This product needs to be watered in and can be applied now.
Step 2 Weed out Plus Lawn Fertilizer-This product controls all broad-leaf weeds including henbit, chickweed and dandelion. Apply in April or May to a damp yard.
Step 3 Grub Free Zone II - One of the best products on the market for controlling grubs. This insecticide will last all season, protecting your lawn from grub damage. Apply in late May to Early June.
Step 4 Winterizer - Water in this applicaiton in early fall to help your yard recover from the stress of summer.
Step 5 Winterizer- Water in a second late fall application to make your yard more cold hardy and greener all Winter long.
We have several purchase options, you can purchase the entire set take it home or we can hold it for you in store and you can take it as you need it.