Lawn Care
Make sure your lawn gets exactly what it needs at exactly the right time with Stone Creek Nursery’s 5-Step Lawn Care System. When you purchase our 5-step-system you can take home all the products at once or pick up as needed plus we notify you when it’s time to apply each step. Grow a lawn that looks better than those maintained by professionals at a fraction of the cost with Stone Creek Nursery’s 5-Step Lawn Care System.
Step 1: Crabgrass Preventer & Fertilizer
Early Spring: St. Patrick’s Day (Approximately March 15)
Ferti-lome All Seasons Crabgrass Preventer with Barricade a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents crabgrass seeds from germinating in April. Barricade is the longest crabgrass preventer on the market, application should be followed by 1/2 inch of rainfall or irrigation.
Step 2: Weed Killer & Fertilizer
Late Spring: Memorial Day (Approximately May 30)
Ferti-lome Weed Out Plus Lawn Fertilizer. Provides excellent post-emergent broadleaf weed control on cool and warm season grasses. Lawn should be slightly wet before application, but do not water for 24 hours after application. Contains three weed killers to stop Dandelions, Spurge, Dollar Weed, Wild Onion, Chickweed, Clover and over 200 broadleaf weeds.
Step 3: Grub Control
Summer: Independence Day (Approximately June 1 to July 1)
Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone II. Kills White Grubs before they damage your lawn. Can be used in landscaped areas containing flowers, ground covers, shrubs and trees. One Application will last all Season.
Step 4: Fertilizer
Fall: Memorial Day (Approximately September 1
Apply Ferti-lome Winterizer. As we all know Kansas summers can be tough on lawns. Applying fertilizer in the fall will help your lawn begin to recover and reestablish its root system which will both green and thicken up your lawn.
Step 5: Fertilizer
Late Fall: Thanksgiving (Approximately November 1-30)
Apply Ferti-lome Winterizer. This application should be applied when the grass has stopped growing and getting ready to go dormant. All this fertilizer will go directly the root system helping to building a stronger plant for next spring.
When to over seed your lawn?
The best time to over seed your lawn is in the fall. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are starting to drop, but the soil temperature is still warm enough for seed to germinate. Seeding can be done anytime from September 1 to mid-October. If your seeding in shaded areas start a couple weeks earlier.
Aerating Aerating helps open up the soil, relieving compaction in our heavy clay soil, which allows a place for new roots and seed to grow. It also breaks up the thatch layer that grows between the soil surface and the green top growth allowing air and water to enter the soil easier. Make sure and water your lawn before you aerate, tines will not penetrate dry soil, especially dry clay soil.
Grass Seed Start with Gard’N-Wise Premium Fescue Blend Grass seed. It’s a blend of five turf type fescue varieties that have tested well in K-State trials. Gard’N-Wise Premium Blend also has zero weed seeds in it.
Seeding Measure your lawn to find out many square feet you have. Next, it’s time to apply your seed. Put down 8-10 lbs. of seed for every 1,000 sq. ft. You must have good seed to soil contact for your seed to germinate. The easiest way to get your seed incorporated into the soil is to use verti-cut slicer. It cuts slits in the soil every two inches helping to cover the seed. Go across your yard in two directions to make sure all the seed is covered. If you’re doing small areas a stiff tined rake will also work.
Starter Fertilizer Your new seeds will be hungry, so you’ll want to fertilize right away using Ferti-Lome New Lawn Starter. It’s got the nutrients that are really important during early growth. Add in Natural Guard Soil Activator at this time too. Soil Activator releases the nutrients already in the soil making them readily available for the grass to use. After the new grass has been mowed twice apply Ferti-lome winterizer to keep it growing.
Lastly, and maybe the most important, is to water. You need to keep the soil moist watering two to four times a day depending on the weather. Once the grass has germinated and starting to grow, back off the water as soon as possible, water longer but less often. This will force the roots to go find moisture develop a deeper root system quicker. Read our Watering Guide for the Midwest.
Mowing you new grass Make sure your mower blade is sharp. Setyour mower on 1.5 to 2” and begin mowing as soon as possible. The more often you mow (even if you’re only cutting a ¼” off the grass blade it will start to thicken and fill out quicker.
Enjoy your new lawn.
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